“No One Is Coming To Save Us”
A podcast from Neighborhood Villages and Lemonada Media
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No One is Coming to Save Us: Pushing change forward in D.C.
In this episode of No One is Coming to Save Us, veteran reporter Gloria Riviera and Neighborhood Villages’ Senior Director of Advocacy Latoya Gayle visit our nation’s capital to speak with local advocates about their successful, years-long campaign to pass universal pre-K in D.C.

Back for Season 3: ‘No One Is Coming To Save Us’ hits nationwide tour to discuss the child care crisis with local experts
America’s child care system is broken and still, more than three years after the pandemic began, no one is coming to save us. That’s why veteran reporter Gloria Riviera and local Boston mom, activist, and Neighborhood Villages’ Senior Director of Advocacy Latoya Gayle, have set out for season 3 of hit podcast No One Is Coming To Save Us.

No One Is Coming To Save Us LIVE: Unpacking the child care crisis
In our first-ever live episode, Gloria moderates a panel of policy experts, child care advocates, and on-the-ground activists to help us better understand the underlying causes of the child care crisis and how we can push for progress.

The Child Care Crisis Is Worse Than It’s Ever Been
Gloria gets an update on the state of child care in this country from Lauren Kennedy and Sarah Muncey, the co-founders of Neighborhood Villages.

Where to Direct Your Primal Scream (with Lauren Kennedy & Sarah Muncey
If you’re paying attention to the news these days, you’ve seen that childcare is front and center! Congressional leaders are nearing a Halloween deadline to pass two separate bills tied to President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda. One measure, known as the reconciliation package, could dramatically (and instantaneously) change how families approach childcare and early childhood education. To better understand what’s truly at stake for parents & guardians nationwide and what you can do to help get this legislation over the finish line, Gloria welcomes Lauren Kennedy and Sarah Muncey of Neighborhood Villages.

Episode 4: How We Save Ourselves
Gloria chats with Elizabeth Warren about how we transform our country’s broken childcare system into one that’s accessible for all. “This is the moment to raise your voice. We have this opportunity to do it, but it's going to take all of us to push until it gets done.” Then, we meet a ragtag group of activists in Portland, Oregon fighting for a free, high-quality, universal preschool program in their community. And “Call It Like It Is” correspondent Kristen Bell joins once more to talk to you – yes you – about how to get involved in the childcare revolution. With Senator Elizabeth Warren, Theresa Ramos from Illinois Action for Children, and parents, educators, and activists from Portland's Universal Preschool NOW! and Preschool for All movements.

Episode 3: Good Childcare *Can* Work
Gloria explores the many places where childcare is working for parents – from Berlin, Germany, to Quebec, Canada, and even Patagonia HQ in Ventura, California. “Women are able to go back to work, families can actually afford good childcare, and the system more than pays for itself? Am I on another planet?” Kristen Bell joins Gloria (from outer space) to clue her in on America’s very own top-secret, high-quality, federally-funded childcare system. Plus, Lauren Kennedy and Sarah Muncey from Neighborhood Villages return to tell us how we can make this childcare dream a reality for all. With Caitlin and Charles Vestal, Pierre Fortin, Linda Smith, Ssgt. Alba Ruiz, and Patagonia’s Jenna Johnson.

Episode 2: Birth of a Broken System
Gloria investigates where everything went wrong for childcare in America, and Kristen Bell joins to give Nixon a piece of her mind. “That's the sound of progress dying in the crucible of American politics.” Gloria digs into the shame, guilt, and divisions baked into our earliest day nurseries, and reveals how old-fashioned gender norms and blatant racism killed promising federally-funded, early childcare programs. With Dorothy E. Roberts, Sonya Michel, Alma Gottlieb, Ruth Hoffman, O’Niel Dillon, and Charlotte Riviera (yes – Gloria’s mom).

Episode 1: You’re Not Crazy, Child Care Is
Sarah Muncey, Co-Founder of Neighborhood Villages, kicks off the first of this four-part series by asking a question that virtually every parent asks when they confront the realities of child care: Is this what it’s going to be like? Host Gloria Riviera, special correspondent Kristen Bell, along with parents and educators from Boston’s own Ellis early learning center, share their stories and paint an unfiltered picture of just how broken our child care system is.
In our season four finale of “No One Is Coming to Save Us,” we hear from Brooke Legler, the owner of a child care center in Wisconsin, who is struggling to keep her center open despite the strong demand for it even in a state with nearly universal preschool.